CO2 adsorption on pure and oxidized Ni nanostructures deposited on mica surfaces
K.W.B. Hunvik, B. Pacakova & S. Raaen
Philosophical Magazine xx, xx (2021)
Professor PhD, Department of Physics, NTNU
SR graduated with a M.Sc. from NTH (presently NTNU) in 1980, and got a PhD in Physics from Polytechnic Institute of New York (presently New York University, Tandon School of engineering) in 1984. He was postdoc at Brookhaven National Laboratory 1984-85, and has been at NTNU since 1985. Professor from 1992.
Surface science studies of metallic systems; f-electron systems and transition metals. Gas adsorption on metals and metaloverlayer systems. Surface studies of systems of catalytic interest. Reactivity and size effects of supported metal nanoparticles. Experiments include photoelectron spectroscopy and thermal desorption.
K.W.B. Hunvik, B. Pacakova & S. Raaen
Philosophical Magazine xx, xx (2021)
S. Raaen & K.W.B. Hunvik
Applied Surface Science 528, 146955 (2020)
K.W.B. Hunvik, A. Støvneng, B. Pacakova & S. Raaen
Applied Surface Science 490, 430 (2019)
X. Yu & S. Raaen
Journal of Applied Physics 118, 105304 (2015)
S. Raaen & X. Yu
Applied Surface Science 349, 17 (2015)
A. Julukian, S. Raaen & D. Franke
J. Vacuum Science and Technology B 32, 031803 (2014)
X. Yu & S. Raaen
Applied Surface Science 270, 364 (2013)
A. Julukian, T. Fadnes, S. Raaen & M. Balci
J. Applied Physics 109, 123503 (2011)